Course Contents and Methodology


Financial Risk Management


The crash of 1929, the oil crisis, the Great Recession,… financial catastrophes have taught the industry to be vigilant about risks, and financial regulators have demanded increasing levels of reporting, capital adequacy and strict methodologies to be implemented across the different areas of the financial sector.

The result is a zoology of risk theories and implementations, loosely classified as Market Risk, Credit Risk, Liquidity Risk, Operational Risk, Legal Risk, Gap Risk, and many others. 

This course develops concepts and methodologies in financial risk cross all aspects of these, from three different perspectives simultaneously; first, it develops the principles and methodologies for the most common implementations; second, it provides a historical perspective of the field, and third, it covers these aspects from the three main branches of the sector: banking, asset management and insurance.

Risk is the new commodity


When an Investments opportunities arises with “lower-than-normal risks”, it is usually referred to as  “arbitrage“. Market inefficiencies, for example,  are a source of arbitrage.

This principle is creating the new paradigm, where risk control is not only required to conform with regulation, compliance and the law, it is also the beginning of a new way of thinking and developing new businesses, where based on blockchains or helping offset climate  change.

Risk Regulation

Basel I, II, III, …

Solvency II





Risk Management Course

This course develops methodologies for risk calculation, concepts of risk control, business cases of failures, fraud and losses, and regulatory frameworks across the financial sector

Topics Covered:

  • History of events and regulation
  • Basel accord and its consequences
  • Return & volatility: measuring risks
  • Regulation and compliance
  • Operational risk and Due Diligence
  • Business cases

Practical discussions:

The course offers an interactive element where situations and theoretical cases are discussed:

  • Identifying risks in businesses
  • Measuring market risk, credit risk of portfolios
  • RiskMetrics, Creditmetrics, SCR, VaR, CVaR, etc.

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