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Introduction to mathematical finance

Introductory course for Graduate students or upper level Undergraduate students to the world of quantitative finance, derivative pricing and investments


Data Science

Undergraduate course introducing students to various areas of Data Science

FIM Program – Technische Universität münchen




MMF e-Learning

Investment risk management

Advanced course on investment strategies, focusing on quantitative methods for risk and return managment


BME Institute

Master Executive en Riesgos financieros

A course sequence addressing portfolio creidit risk and hedge funds, taught in the Master’s program of the Institute of the Spanish Markets & Stock Exchange


Renmin university of china

Fundamentals of Quantitative Investing





hedge funds

Advanced course on investment strategies and hedge funds, explaining how to create a hedge fund and how to invest in a hedge fund. It also addresses the regulatory aspects of hedge funds worldwide and the due diligence process



family offices

A course that explains what family offices do, why and how to set one up, and reviews the basic functions that a family office performs



Financial Risk Management

A course that explains th methodologies and regulatory frameworks for financial risk management across all three branches of the financial sector: banking, insurance and asset management.

Climate Risk

Introductory course on the financial aspects of Climate Risk and ESG, including Green Finance, and Carbon Trading.


Artificial Intelligence is reshaping many sectors. When it comes to finance, there is a lot of hype, and a few realities. This course adresses both.



With fund flows in excess of $40Tn, bigger than the US economy, ESG criteria is the new investment criterium

Part of the Winter school of the University of Zurich

Sustainability & AI

Artificial Intelligence is our  best hope to address the sustainable development goals of the United Nations